Arabic Calligraphy

Arabic Calligraphy

  • Teacher
    Celina Saadia Cebula
  • Category
  • Price


- Acquisition of basic knowledge and skills of Arabic reading and writing.
- Introduce yourself / someone in a simple way.
- Description of the immediate surroundings: school, house, family, food, animals, numbers, time, ...
- Make contact / meet, greet, give contact details.
- Express your needs in a simple way.
- Communicate in a simple way with a "benevolent" interlocutor.
- Initiation to grammar and conjugation.

Certficate, diploma

Certificate of attendance issued if 70% minimum attendance at the course.

Target group

Who is the course aimed at?

For all



No need to know the Arabic or Persian language to participate

This course will allow students to develop knowledge ranging from mastery of gesture to expressing their personal sensitivity.
This discovery allows you to learn a traditional method, using tools and noble and old materials.
The list of necessary equipment will be provided and explained at the first session.
Covered points
-Brief introduction to the history and various styles of Islamic calligraphy
-Presentation of tools, materials and traditional technique (ink, paper, calamus, etc.)
-Exercises on the basics of calligraphic art: points, lines, ...
-Control of the grip and movement of the calamus
-Tracing of letters of the Arabic alphabet and its calligraphic rules

Center Avicenne Luxembourg
32, rue Dernier Sol, Bonnevoie
L-2543 Luxembourg
To come to the center, you can use the buses:
Line 3: Léon XIII stop
Lines 5, 6, 16, 125, 144, 192, 194:
Last Floor stop
You can use the following link to calculate your bus route:
The nearest bus stops are "Dernier Sol" and "Léon XIII"



20 décembre / 10 mars

Subscribtion condition:
Payment of registration fees one week before the start of the course

Terms & condition payment:
Payment: by bank transfer to CCP LU65 1111 7015 5753 0000 - ADEM vouchers not accepted

Comments :
Organization mode
Double possibility: on site or remotely
The lecturer is on site and students who prefer a face-to-face course will be welcome
(health precautions observed)
For students who opt for a distance course, they will be able to attend the course through the application
which can be downloaded for free on PC or mobile phone.
A zoom invitation will be sent to them a few days before the start of the course ...
Just click on the link on the agreed days and times and they will return to their course:
Thus they can visualize and interact with their lecturer and their colleagues as in a normal course.

Course Features

  • Deadline: 20 décembre / 10 mars
  • Dates : 1ier semestre 20 octobre /2iéme semestre 15 janvier -
  • Level : L1 ( 14 hours )
  • Trainer : Celina Saadia Cebula
Price : 200€

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